Weekly Progress #6 - Prototype 1

Enemy Spawning and UI Development

Posted by Cyber Realms on March 21, 2023 · 1 min read

What We Did

For this week, we thought of ways of implementing spawning methods for our enemies. We decided on spawning the enemies when the player gets teleported into the room. The doors would lock and the player would not be able to leave the room until clearing out the room. We also created a main menu for the game as well as a pause menu. Currently, the player is able to hit start to play the game and press quit to close the application. The pause menu has three buttons, resume, back to menu, and quit. Resume will resume the game. Pressing back to menu will return back to main menu, removing any progress made, and quitting will close the application.

In this current prototype, we have developed a smaller version of our first level with enemy spawners and a boss. The enemies have different attack patterns. The player has 20 health and will die when out of health. Currently we do not have a death screen but it will be implemented in the next update. However, restarting is still possible by hitting the escape key and going back to main menu.

Spawn Room

Enemies with attack patterns

Boss with attack pattern