For this week, we wanted to work on our UI as well as some sprites as we had very barebones graphics. Since we had a dash function, we wanted a way for the player to be able to see when they could dash and when they couldn’t. We eventually settled on a dash bar on the bottom right that is filled up when the dash is ready. When the player dashes, it will deplete the bar and start filling back up. As for the health bar, we got a lot of feedback on whether or not the healthbar should be a heart system or a bar system. From the feedback, it seemed that a bar system would work much better with how the player gets hit with attacks.
Sprite were another aspect that we wanted to fix. The player sprite that we had was a very barebones model we got off of the unity store. As such, we got some help from some friends and they were able to provide a nice sprite with animations for us. The player model looks much better now.
UJ Example
Boss with attack pattern